What turns Angelina Jolie ON?

As the wedding day approach, Brat Pitt did a lot of thinking what would be the perfect gift for his beautiful bride?  Surprise as it is, he bought her a shooting range in France, worth 250,000 pounds. This is certainly a brave and original move, but poor Pitt, he had a lot to live up with his wedding gift, having on mind that his soon-to-be-wife has sometimes exceptional and even extravagant taste and preferences for gifts and presents. Just for illustration, Brat had to come up with something as special and unique as last Angelina’s vagary to exchange vials of blood with her ex-husband Billy-Bob Thornton.
But, the actor is not that naive. Jolie seems to really like and enjoy in guns and finds shooting as an aphrodisiac. Last time they were both around weapons, while making the blockbuster “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” , they actually ended up the set in bed.   

It turns out, that having one of the most beautiful women of all time, to be your spouse and to keep her happy and please it’s very easy. Just make sure she has enough place to fire up her everyday stress and you’ve won her heart and the secret of a happy marriage. 

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